
Seized: 20/12/2023
Race: Croix De Saint-André
Sexe: Male
Electronic chip: 981100004994335
Born: 20/12/2015
Country: Belgium
In the shelter since: 20/12/2023

KUTIR was seized from the home of a multi-recidivist countess. He was living in an almost wild state with a few hundred other equines, without any care adapted to their needs.
He gets on very well with his fellow horses, and is playful and curious by nature.
When he first came to us, he bore the marks of a life without care, which made him fearful and distrustful of humans. Having never been handled, he was very reserved. However, with the right care and a lot of patience, KUTIR began to make progress. Although he's still shy, he's showing encouraging signs of improvement and is gradually beginning to relax.
In time, he could become a loyal and gentle companion for those who know how to give him the love and attention he deserves.

None of our horses may be ridden or used for commercial purposes.
The animal must live with at least one other companion.

Adoption only possible with an "animal possession permit".
For further information, please contact us ONLY by telephone on 02 204 49 50.

  • Vaccinated
  • Dewormed
  • Anti-parasity
  • Sterilized
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