
Abandoned: 14/09/2015
Race: Belgian Saddle Horse
Sexe: Male
Electronic chip: 981100004200249
Born: 14/09/2015
Country: Belgium
In the shelter since: 14/09/2015

KAZAN was born under a lucky star. His mother had come to us after a seizure for abuse, and to our great surprise, she was pregnant with this little treasure. As a result, KAZAN was lucky enough to be born at the shelter, in a secure and loving environment. He has never been abused or neglected, which makes him a particularly confident and well-balanced horse.

KAZAN is full of life, curious and very close to people. Thanks to the attention and care he has received since birth, he is perfectly socialized and very sociable, both with humans and with his fellow horses.
All he's waiting for now is a home where he can blossom and offer all the tenderness he's got inside.

None of our horses may be ridden or used for commercial purposes.
The animal must live with at least one other conspecific.

Adoption only possible with an "permit to keep animals".
For further information, please contact us by phone ONLY on 02 204 49 50.   

  • Vaccinated
  • Dewormed
  • Anti-parasity
  • Sterilized
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