
Abandoned: 11/12/2020
Race: Vietnamese
Sexe: Female
Electronic chip: BE812888
Born: 10/11/2016
Country: Belgium
In the shelter since: 11/12/2020

JUSTINE was abandoned by her owner due to a move. She is rather discreet and shy with humans, preferring to observe from a distance rather than actively seek their company. However, she can display dominant behavior towards her fellow dogs, which is quite common in pigs, as they have a well-defined social hierarchy.

JUSTINE will need a family that respects her specific needs, notably in terms of space, socialization with other animals and patience to enable her to adapt to a new environment.

The animal must live with at least one other conspecific and have access to water.

Adoption only possible with an "permit to keep animals".
For further information, please contact us by phone ONLY on 02 204 49 50.

  • Vaccinated
  • Dewormed
  • Anti-parasity
  • Sterilized
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