
Lost / found animals

You lost your dog / cat? Notify immediately:

Cat ID: 02 333 49 94 -
Dog ID: 02 333 92 22 -

What to do when you have found an animal or lost yours?

  1. Notify immediately the animal welfare societies, the nearest veterinarians, the police, the animal ambulances.
  2. Stipulate the characteristics of the animal, the place and circumstances of the loss of the animal, if need be, the number of the tattoo or de electronic chip.
  3. Alert the neighbourhood through a small note that you can slip in the letterboxes, put a poster on your window, in the neighbouring shops, and don't forget your veterinarian.
  4. Start your search in the immediate neighbourhood and widen progressively your field. Don't forget, especially if it concerns a cat, to open wardrobes and spaces (attic, cave, storages, garage, ...) where it could have inadvertently become locked in.
  5. Don't lose hope: it is possible to find an animal again even after months of searching. It happens that people keep a found animal for several days, even weeks, before returning it to a animal protection organization. Dogs can be found far from its home, and cats, curious animals, can slip into delivery vans of other vehicles. So be aware especially in such circumstances.

If you recuperate your companion, don't forget to:

If your dog or cat is identified the chances to find your animal are infinitely greater.

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