
Seized: 29/01/2024
Race: Belgian Blue
Sexe: Female
Electronic chip: BE466551968
Born: 23/12/2021
Country: Belgium
In the shelter since: 31/01/2024

AGATHE was seized from an unscrupulous farmer, where she and other cattle were living in deplorable conditions, covered in mange and very thin. Her weakness meant she was easily captured. Today, she has regained her strength and become a lively young cow. Although she can be stubborn with caretakers, AGATHE always does so in a gentle manner, showing her dynamic character and willingness to assert herself.

Adoption only possible with an "permit to keep animals".
For further information, please contact us by phone ONLY on 02 204 49 50.

  • Vaccinated
  • Dewormed
  • Anti-parasity
  • Sterilized
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