
Seized: 30/03/2023
Race: Saddle Horse
Sexe: Female
Electronic chip: 981100006003045
Born: 29/03/2023
Country: Belgium
In the shelter since: 30/03/2023

PEPERMINT was seized for neglecting fifteen of her fellow horses. Despite several warnings, her former owners had done nothing to improve their horses' living conditions, leading to the seizure.

PEPERMINT is a filly with a special destiny, born on the very day of the seizure that saved her and her mom, Miss Belgium. Fortunately, PEPERMINT didn't have to stay with her tormentors for long, thanks to the rapid intervention of our team.

She's a lively young filly, curious and full of energy. She has been raised in a safe and loving environment, which has enabled her to grow up confidently, surrounded by care and attention. Although PEPERMINT had a difficult start in life, she has no lasting scars from her past, thanks to the security and affection we've given her since birth.

We're looking for a loving home where she can continue to thrive and grow in a secure environment. With the right care, PEPERMINT is destined to become an exceptional mare, full of charm and gentleness.

None of our horses may be ridden or used for commercial purposes.
The animal must live with at least one other conspecific.

Adoption only possible with an "permit to keep animals".
For further information, please contact us by phone ONLY on 02 204 49 50.   

  • Vaccinated
  • Dewormed
  • Anti-parasity
  • Sterilized
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