
Our mission

30 years ago, associations for the protection of animals were rare and few in Brussels, and they had a hard time welcoming all lost or abandoned dogs and cats. They were often confronted with a demand that surpassed their capacity and were obliged to apply euthanasia.
From all times we categorically refuse this approach because we believe that every animal has a right to live, beautiful or less beautiful, young or les young, of breed or not. This conviction remains from all times anchored in our « IDEOLOGY ». We will never pretend to have the power over life or death of the animals, unless in exceptional situations such as grave, incurable illness or aggressive behaviour that puts the new adopters, adults or children in danger.

Protect the animals

Since several years and in collaboration with other associations for animal protection, we have fought against the abuse of vivisection. We have managed to limit these experiences, namely by prohibiting the sale of pets in public markets. Similarly, animals said "NACS" (new pets), often protected by the "WASHINGTON CONVENTION" cannot be sold.

A social mission

Our commitment is not limited to the protection of animals: it also has a social dimension. Facing an alarming increase of single people, sometimes old and without family, lacking motivation, we refuse euthanasia and welcome all animals that reach us, including aging animals. These pets are ideal for older people who look for a motivation, companionship and usefulness.

And educational approach

We also focus on education and aim to teach our children respect for life. Not unlike animals our children are born dependent on their mother and walking on four legs. Pure and innocent, a child is naturally attracted to animals. However, as adults, we often create barriers between them. We work closely with teachers of different schools, and encourage them to include visits to our animal shelters in their school programs. Whether dogs, cats, horses or farm animals, we aim to raise the awareness of the children for the fact that an animal is a living, sensitive being, with feelings of joy and sadness. We want to make them understand that when an animal sits behind the barriers of a cage without understanding why it has been abandoned, it suffers and feels locked up, surrounded by strangers and other animals that express also their distress.
So don't be afraid to come to our shelters and let us guide you.

Care and custody

Our mission is clear: providing a haven for the most vulnerable animals.

At Help Animals, we are driven by an unwavering passion for the protection of animals. Very day our team of dedicated heroes is ready to help those who have been cruelly abused. Rescues of abused / neglected animals are conducted in the shadow. Our teams courageously face complex missions in often dangerous conditions.

When the authorities report cases of animal abuse Help Animals acts without hesitating. Our veterinarians, caretakers and volunteers act swiftly to help these innocent beings, be it in squalid farms or confronted with extreme neglect.
Each rescue is a story of triumph, a victory of good over evil. Through the love and care lavished by Help Animals, these animals get a second chance after their long ordeal.

While joining our forces, we build a bridge between inhumanity and goodness, reminding the world that every animal deserves respect and dignity. Our unwavering commitment is to end the cruelty against animals.

Help Animals embodies the altruistic spirit that refuses to keep quiet when facing injustice. Our history is the history of a team determined to change the fate of the beings that share our planet, proving that, together, we can forge a future where all animals can live free of fear and pain.

To help us, make a donation!