
Seized: 24/01/2024
Race: Saddle Horse
Sexe: Male
Electronic chip: 724100006009992
Born: 18/07/2017
Country: Spain
In the shelter since: 24/01/2024

NAVARRO came to us following a seizure for gross negligence. He hadn't been out of his stall for months. When we arrived, we discovered a terrified horse, confined to an unsanitary stall, without a scrap of clean straw. Not only was NAVARRO in bad shape, he was also traumatized. It took several weeks for him to begin to relax and regain his confidence.

Today, NAVARRO is much calmer, and although he remains wary of some humans, he is making great progress. With horses, NAVARRO can sometimes be dominant, but he fits in perfectly with the herd.

  • Vaccinated
  • Dewormed
  • Anti-parasity
  • Sterilized
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