
Found: 03/12/2022
Race: European
Sexe: Male
Electronic chip: 967000010454554
Born: 05/11/2019
Country: Belgium
In the shelter since: 03/12/2022

PENNE is a magnificent adult male European cat.
Having always lived outdoors, he needs a garden to blossom fully.
Clean and used to solitude, PENNE is also sociable with other cats.
However, his behavior with children, dogs and in the car remains to be discovered, as he's still fearful.
Give PENNE a loving home where he can continue to explore and enjoy the outdoors!

Adoption only possible with an "permit to keep animals".
For further information, please contact us by phone ONLY on 02 204 49 50.

  • Vaccinated
  • Dewormed
  • Anti-parasity
  • Sterilized
  • Need a garden
  • Can live in an appartment
  • OK with children
  • OK with dogs
  • OK with cats
  • House trained
  • Supports loneliness
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