
Abandoned: 19/07/2024
Race: Shih Tzu
Sexe: Male
Electronic chip: 981100004758017
Born: 16/11/2020
Country: Belgium
In the shelter since: 19/07/2024

Mylo is a young, energetic male Shih Tzu looking for a loving home with a garden where he can flourish. Unfortunately, this little dog has been mistreated and therefore needs stability and time to relax. He is not suited to life in an apartment, as he barks a lot. He is not recommended for families with children and does not get on well with other dogs. His reactions to solitude and cats are unknown.

For further information, please contact us by telephone ONLY on 02 523 44 16.

  • Vaccinated
  • Dewormed
  • Anti-parasity
  • Sterilized
  • Need a garden
  • Can live in an appartment
  • OK with children
  • OK with dogs
  • OK with cats
  • House trained
  • Supports loneliness
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